Sunday, August 23, 2009


Wow. The changes that are going on in this house and in our lives right now. There are so many. Abbie will be starting PRESCHOOL this week. Now she's only 28 months old, so I'm not completely freaking out about this... yet. It's not like she's going to kindergarten yet. But after our first Parents' Night, it may feel real and I may have a meltdown due to the fact that it feels like she is growing up too fast.
She also just finished her last week of daycare on Friday. She has been there since she was 9 months old and all of her best little girl friends are there. So I am going to try and keep those relationships in tact while she stays home with me for atleast this semester.
Yes, let's not forget this semester. I am praying (HARD) that the 10 hours I have cut my schedule down to will feel easy breezy compared to previous semesters (and it defintely beats the 19 hours that I WAS signed up for!). I am really hoping that this semester goes by at a manageable pace. Cus that's not usually how my semesters go. No- instead, by the time it is Christmas/ summer break, I am at my wits end and Jeremy and I are usually on the brink of divorce. Not really, but you get what I mean. It is stressful. So I'm hoping that not working as much, having a more flexible schedule, and taking less hours will be better for our whole family.
So it looks like I'll spend this fall studying, substitute teaching (hopefully- I STILL have to hear back from BISD! grr), tutoring, continuing my Mary Kay business, and doing a little babysitting here and there. And that's an EASY schedule- lol! But I'm super excited to stay home with my precious girl 4-5 days a week. That's a big, positive change for us compared to other school semesters.
Also, it looks like the hubby will fly to Orlando in January for his classes that will solidify his readiness for a general manager position (i.e.- a better schedule and a much better salary! YAY!)
Reflecting on all these things, I realize that this summer has really changed our lives for the better. If I hadn't put Abbie in daycare part time and stayed home with her 2 days out of the week, I wouldn't realize how much I did not want to live without that time with her. I probably wouldn't have cut my school schedule down and I wouldn't be making the financial and family changes I'm making that are for all 3 of our best interest. Alot has just changed. I've found a much more sound way to balance our priorities and I'm incredibly happy about the direction we're headed. There are a lot of changes in the near future for our family, but I'm excited about every one of them. :)

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